Sunday, November 20, 2011

Denial - Not Just a River in Egypt

Denial is a story that is near and dear to my heart.  One day as I was sorting through my journals, I stumbled upon the one I kept while I was living in Egypt (1990-1993).  As I blushed and giggled over all the silly things I read about my first love, this story sort of took shape.

An encouraging nudge from jennde, a ton of back and forth with jadsmama, and a lot of encouragement from my girls over at the PPSS was pretty much all it took to get the ball rollin'.

Chapter 1 will be included in The Fandom Gives Back - Breaking Dawn Compilation, and then the story will post in its entirety in early 2012.

I can't wait to share all kinds of fun tidbits about Egypt and Arabic with you.  Lots and lots of fun times... and happy memories.

1 comment:

Debbie said...

I'm really hoping you're still planning to post this at some point. It sounds like and interesting and exciting story, and I love the banner. That's Sendhil Ramamurthy from Heroes, right? He's gorgeous! I know you said early 2012, but I'm not giving up hope!